General Medical Care
Women’s Health
Men's Health
Adolescent/ Teen Health
Travel Advice/Vaccinations
Chronic Health Management
Minor Accident Care
Contraception Services/ Family Planning/ Fertility
Children’s Health/Well Child Health Checks
Medicals/ Sickness Certificates/ACC Certificates
Lifestyle Advice
Phone Advice
It is not always safe or practical to give medical advice over the phone. However, our nurses are available by phone and can offer initial advice on what to do or can refer the matter to your doctor. If your call is of an urgent nature please advise the receptionist at the outset and you will be transferred directly to a nurse. Our after hours phone line is also manned by a registered nurse so you can phone us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Test Results
If you have a significant abnormal result, we will always endeavour to contact you. It is important that you keep all contact details updated with reception so we can make contact. If results are of a critical nature, and you haven’t heard back from us, please ring to check with one of the nurses, but be aware that results can take up to a week to come back. Please note that the nurses are not qualified to interpret results in detail so in some circumstances you may need to make an appointment with your doctor to have your results explained.
Sickness Certificates
A sickness or ACC off work certificate is a legal document. To have a certificate issued for an employer or WINZ you must be seen by a doctor, preferably on the day of your illness.
Home visits
Medical services are always provided more thoroughly, safely and efficiently at the doctor’s office, however, home visits may be arranged at the doctor’s discretion for established patients of the practice if they are incapacitated and unable to come in. Home visits cannot be done during booked surgery hours. If you need urgent medical attention and are unable to come into the surgery, please phone 111 for an ambulance.

The fees listed below apply to standard 15-minute consultations (or any portion thereof). Additional charges may apply for extended consultation time, as well as any consumables or equipment used.